Frequently Asked Questions
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Is LandValue Solutions a database software license only; or is it a database with comp data that is available to the user?
We are offering both types of packages to appraisers and clients. The Freemium, Basic Comp Database, and Non-affiliate Client Package are software only. The User and User’s Organization enter and manage the data including building out co-organizations to share community data. The LandValue Affiliate package offers both: LandValue has a community participation package that allows the user to enter proprietary data that is accessed only by the user or the user’s organization; or community data that is shared with all of the co-organizations within the LandValue community. If LandValue receives a request from a client for data in a certain area, we will contract with affiliate appraisers to provide community data based on criteria set forth for a negotiated price.
Can you transfer my current database records into the LandValue database?
Data from CSV and AgWare files can be migrated into the LVS database; contact your representative for information.
Is my data backed up?
From our images and documents to our databases, each component is backed up to secure, access-controlled, and redundant storage. Our platform allows for recovering databases to within seconds of the last known state, restoring system instances from standard templates, and deploying customer applications and data. If an additional back-up is required by the user or their organization, the user can export and save excel or PDF files, or alternatively, CSV downloads.
Who has access to my records?
The simple answer is: only the individual you allow to have access either through adding collaborators, or the level of security the user selects when a record is committed to the system. Each application runs within its own isolated environment and cannot interact with other applications or areas of the system. This restrictive operating environment is designed to prevent security and stability issues. These self-contained environments isolate processes, memory, and the file system using LXC while host-based firewalls restrict applications from establishing local network connections.
Why is GPS identification mandatory when entering a new comp record?
Because few farm and rural properties have legal addresses, LandValue Solutions made the decision to map all properties based on their GPS coordinates (Latitude and Longitude). While there are some situations where properties are not blocked up, the user will be required to select the best GPS location that represents the property. This is required to accurately locate the property.
How do I locate GPS coordinates for a property?
Mapping the GPS coordinates is easiest by entering street name, city, and county into the new record first. Next, select ‘Open Map’ from the top command action buttons and the flag will be in the center of the county. Click on the flag, then click on ‘move flag’ hyperlink and move the flag to the property location. When the flag is in the correct location, click the green check in the lower left-hand corner of the map. This automatically places the GPS coordinates into the record. Public Land Survey System map layer and Topo map layer in the bottom right hand corner of the map may be turned off and on to assist in correctly locating the property.
How are new records generated and saved?
When the user clicks on ‘New Record,’ hyperlink, a new record is automatically generated with a unique identification number and instantaneously saved in ‘backlog.’ New records are continually saved in 30-second intervals in backlog until they are complete and ready to be committed to the system as a searchable ‘Saved’ record. Records in progress can be closed by clicking on the small ‘x’ in the upper right and will be auto-saved in ‘backlog.’ Upon completing the record, the record owner can save records as ‘private’ or ‘local’ or ‘community.’ Private records are only viewed by the record owner and any associated collaborators selected by the record owner. Local records are viewed by the record owner’s organization. Community records can be viewed by the record owner’s own organization and any other co-organizations within the community.
What are the records showing on the dashboard?
The newest 10 records show on the dashboard at sign-in. These are records saved by the organization or as ‘community’ records by co-organizations. If the user has saved a ‘private’ record, it will show in the user’s dashboard only. This enables users to view the latest data uploaded.
What types of comp reports are generated and how can I generate them?
Closed Sale Reports are generated by clicking on the orange locator pin on the dashboard or search map; or by clicking on the ‘Generate Report’ command action button within the report; or from the Search function. Reports can be exported to PDF or Excel.