Map-Based Rural Land Appraisal Software
Collect Data with Smart Maps | Analyze Value with Grids | Create Beautiful Reports Watch the VideoLive DemoFor Appraisers
LandValue Pro is a perfect fit for Rural Land Appraisal Tasks
For Land Brokers
LandValue Pro has the Rich Map and data tools that Land Brokers neeed
For Mapping
LandValue Pro has Data-Rich Rural Land Maps with valuable information for your general mapping needs.
Map, evaluate, and report for farm, timber, and ranch.
See How We Do It!
Discover how to save hundreds by consolidating your appraisal software and mapping application with ONE integrated solution!
LandValue Solutions is web and cloud based so you can work from anywhere. Your data, documents, and photos are permanently stored on Microsoft Azure. Your access to the application and information is available to you from anywhere with internet access, and from any computer with a standard operating system. Nation-wide assessor data is included at no additional cost. Tax parcel information and legal description as well as physical data, like soils, productivity index, elevation, frost-free growing days auto-populate into the comparable record or appraisal record. MapBox mapping system has over 10 basemap layers and over 40 overlays. LandValue Solutions reports are generated in Microsoft Word and PDF and can be customized by the appraiser.
built by land appraisers for land appraisers
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marketing? some blurb about software built by those who understand the needs of the customer?
Map based software to gather, organize, and report
Gather hard-to-find rural property information and create beautiful reports!
ASFMRA Preferred Partner
LandValue Solutions is a Preferred Partner of The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA)! Read more about this exciting partnership and what it means for ASMFRA members on our Blog.